The Writing Workout - Grade 6 & Up

Good writing requires a myriad of skills. For instance, the writer needs to understand the topic and scope of the assignment, gather information and organize his/her ideas, structure and express his/her ideas in a way that not only “makes sense” to the reader but does so in a way that “grabs their attention,” and finally, make sure that the ultimate product is “mechanically sound” (i.e. without errors). If an essay were a car, many people would be involved in its production. However, the student alone is responsible for theoutcome of his/her writing. This can be a lonely experience for anyone thatstruggles with this skill, and with so many things that can “go wrong” in the process, it is no wonder many students experience writing challenges. The Writing Workout consists of two blocks of eight lessons (which includes ongoing consultation with a psychologist and regular progress reports) that provide direct teaching regarding the components of effective writing (appropriate for students aged 12 and up). 

NOTE: Students are expected to complete assignments each week as part of their training; however, this should not add to their workload. Rather, the assignments are intended to support their ability to complete already assigned academic tasks with greater ease.

In the first block, lessons focus on selecting a topic and determining scope; planning and mapping ideas; getting ideas onto paper and “fleshing them out;” and finally editing to ensure that the writing objectives have been met). Essentially, the student is taught that an essay is composed of several different tasks, and that by ensuring each task is completed well, the ultimate product will “take care of itself.”

The second (OPTIONAL) block of lessons (most appropriate for students in secondary and post-secondary school) provides instruction and practice on writing different types of essays (e.g. Whole-to-Part; Compare-and-Contrast; Cause-and-Effect; and Concept Style), so that students are equipped to approach any writing assignment with confidence. Since so much of a student’s academic performance is based on how well he/she expresses knowledge through writing, this skill must be well established if a student expects to find success in school. Give your child the tools s/he need to be an effective writer by signing up for this program.

The Writing Workout at Eckert Psychology & Education Centre:

  • Is supported by Educational Psychologists with expertise in writing challenges
  • Is provided by skilled trainers with background education and specific training in writing development
  • Presents activities in an enjoyable manner that helps students remain motivated throughout the program
  • Is fine-tuned in its delivery to meet your child’s unique learning needs as they come to light during training

The Writing Workout:

  • Improves skills in essay planning and composition
  • Students will learn skills for selecting an essay topic and determining scope; planning and mapping ideas; getting ideas onto paper and“fleshing them out;” and editing skills
  • Students will be taught and practice writing four different types of essays
  • Parents will notice a reduction in the amount of support they need to provide their child for writing related activities