Raising A Secure Child
Raising a Secure Child is a four part series for parents of children under the age of 8 (adoptive and foster families may still benefit from attending even if their children are older). These small-group sessions are dedicated to helping every loving parent become skilled in creating a secure attachment with each of their children – giving them both roots and wings. Together you will discover how to support your children in finding the balance of being firmly rooted in loving relationships and yet able to stand on their own two feet.
Raising a Secure Child is based on the internationally acclaimed relationship-based parenting program Circle of Security - Parenting© or COS-P©. COS-P© has proven science behind its effectiveness in giving parents a clear roadmap of how to build closeness with, and independence from, their children. We now know that early attachment experiences between a child and their parent or care-giver significantly influence the quality of future love relationships that a child will have with others as a teenager, adult, and parent with his or her own children. We also know that early attachment experiences significantly influence the child’s ability to master new skills, make good decisions, and become their own person.
To ensure opportunities for individual support and in-depth conversation, only 3 parenting spots (1 spot = one parent or parenting couple) are available.
This seminar is most appropriate for parents whose child is 0 to 8 years old.
For additional information contact Eckert Centre.