We are pleased to announce our partnership with Revive Wellness, a wonderful team of registered dietitians who can support our clients in achieving their wellness goals!
Many of our clients at Eckert Psychology and Education Centre are seeking to improve their mental health and wellbeing through our counselling services. While psychologists are trained to focus on the cognitive, emotional, behavioural, and spiritual aspects of wellbeing, we also recognize the importance of those health and wellness basics like excercise, good sleep, and healthy eating. For the majority of us, however, nutritional counselling falls outside our scope of practice.
Still, there is a significant link between nutrition and how we feel. Many of our clients experience are seeking to incorporate changes in their relationship with food our to increase their knowledge of the link between nutrition and mental health. Access to a registered dietitian who can support you in achieving your nutrition goals can make all the difference!
Revive Wellness has a diverse team of professionals who offer a variety of services, including:
- Individual nutrition counselling
- Meal planning with a chef
- Access to a digital wellness program, designed in-house, called My Viva Plan
Here are just a few potential benefits of adding a registered dietitian to your wellness team:
Individual Nutrition Planning
- Registered dietitians have the knowledge and skill to tailor nutritional counselling to your individual needs. No two people are the same. Registered dietitians are trained to assess your needs and goals, develop an effective plan of action, and educate clients on a nutritional basics.
Evidence-Based Practice
- Registered dietitians derive their practices from scientific research. With that, you can be confident that the care you are being provided with is grounded in the latest science! Like psychologists, Registered Dietitians are also regulated health professionals who belong to a College that aims to protect the public and ensure access to high quality services.
- Dietitians are trained to connect, collaborate, and honour your individual goals and preferences. They understand that all-or-nothing approaches to changes in diet tend not to work in the long-term and are able to support you in areas where you may struggle implement change in your nutritional habits. They will not impose unattainable goals but will support you in making small changes and building upon those, if changing your habits proves challenging.
- Everyone is welcome! Dietitians are knowledgeable about systemic problems, like weight bias, which tend to demoralize individuals living with chronic health problems who have been told to "just lose weight." It's not always so simple. Dietiticians understand and can work with complex conditions such as diabetes and chronic pain.
- Everything is in place to be able to provide the most high quality and ethical care possible as you strive toward your health goals. The value of psychological services can be enhanced by enlisting a registered dietitcian alongside your psychologist.
If you have any questions about what Revive Wellness' Registered Dietitians can offer, please contact the Revive's office at (780) 450-2027, or check out their website by clicking on the links in this blog.