Hello everyone! It has been awhile since we chatted as I was finishing up my exams and headed down to Nashville for a celebration for finishing my first year of university. I have so much I want to catch you up on and I can’t wait to continue our journey with Dr Joan I. Rosenberg’s book: “90 Seconds to a Life You Love”. To start off, in the last blog post we talked about the Rosenberg reset and how important a tool it is in our everyday lives.
This week I really want to delve into the concept discussed by Rosenberg as “moment - to - moment experience”. Rosenberg explains that making a conscious effort to focus on small, seemingly insignificant, moments in our daily lives is the essential key to unlocking our freedom. As Rosenberg states “it’s the attitudes we choose to hold and how we approach everyday experiences, events, and situations that have much greater sway over both our day-to-day and lifelong happiness than the small number of big choices we make” (48). When I was down in Nashville, I really had to choose to live in the moment and make a considered effort to focus on the framework of my attitudes and thoughts. As many people know, none other than Taylor Swift performed three nights’ straight at the Nissan Stadium in downtown Nashville, and I was lucky enough to go the third night with my mom and best friend. As we headed down to the stadium, sheets and sheets of rain came pouring down on over 100,000 Swifities that were headed to the concert. It was insane seeing all the rhinestone figures run down the street in knee-high, bedazzled cowboy boots. At this point in time, my mom, my friend and I were slowly losing hope and feeling frustrated with the downtown weather. I for one was feeling a million different emotions and needed to reframe my attitude and mindset and put it in the moment. I was so worried about cancellation, being drenched and my makeup being ruined that I was failing to realize that I was literally at one of the most sought-after concerts in the world.
Once this realization hit, I began to adjust my mindset, start singing Taylor Swift songs in the rain, grab a Gatorade and take funny photos of my rained-on makeup, hair and pink dress. At around 10 pm, four hours after the original start time, she began performing and it was magical. If I had let myself be overcome with frustration and annoyance, I would have just left the stadium, but I didn’t because I chose to live in the moment. Although this Taylor Swift example is a “first world problem”, this sort of situation arises for many individuals in different sectors of life. If you feel like giving up on a job promotion or are frustrated with parenting and feel like nothing is ever enough, it is crucial that you play on Rosenberg’s advice. Life is not about the big decisions, it’s about the small, integral steps you make each day in order to shift your mindset into a moment-to-moment one. I am not saying that every day is sunshine and roses, but I am saying that it is imperative to feel your feelings and focus on the small portions of your life that you can control, because once those small portions are mastered, you are closer to living a life you love. This can be as simple as appreciating the opportunities we have been given at this point in time, giving extra grace to ourselves as we complete difficult tasks, or realizing that a disappointment can be turned into something positive, and a lesson well learned.
As we continue our discussion next week with the elements of the Rosenberg reset and discuss the importance of increasing self-attunement and looking at the parallels of brain and body, I challenge each reader to focus on small moment to moment mindset shifts that they could apply to their everyday life this week. Thank you so much for tuning in and I cannot wait to share my thoughts with you all next week. As Taylor Swift says “in a storm in my best dress - fearless”; that’s the mindset I want all of us to take on this week. Cheers!
Madison is a Psychology Assistant & Digital Marketing Assistant at Eckert Centre. She is a university student majoring in psychology at the University of British Columbia. She is our blogger in residence, and we are grateful she is sharing her writing skills along with her mental health journey. May her young wisdom help all of us grow our “Wise
Self.” For more information visit www.eckertcentre.com or email our team at info@eckert-psychology.com
Works Cited
Rosenberg, Joan I. 90 Seconds to a Life You Love: How to Master Your Difficult Feelings to Cultivate Lasting... Confidence, Resilience, and Authenticity. Little Brown Spark, 2020. Apple Books, https://books.apple.com/us/book/90-seconds-to-a-life-you-