Greetings, folks!

Welcome to another insightful installment where we dive deep into the treasure trove of knowledge encapsulated within Dr. I Rosenberg’s transformative book "90 Seconds to a Life You Love." In this week's exploration, we are embarking on the captivating journey through the second part of Chapter Two, a voyage into the world of thinking patterns and the realm of cognitive distortions.

As we tread these intellectual waters, it becomes abundantly clear that negative cognitive thinking casts a formidable shadow over our mental health landscape. Dr. I Rosenberg eloquently elucidates how these distortions can be one of the prime architects of the looming specter of depression. A pivotal term used by Dr. Rosenberg from the therapeutic modality of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is "cognitive distortions". In Chapter Six, Dr. Rosenberg explores the myriad shades of irrational and erroneous thinking that plague our minds (pg. 211).

Within the domain of cognitive distortions, we unravel the enigma of how our thinking patterns can metamorphose into detrimental foes. With graceful prose, Rosenberg unfurls before us a quintet of these patterns:

All or Nothing Thinking: The art of viewing the world through the lens of absolutes.

Overgeneralizing: Crafting sweeping judgments based on isolated incidents.

Magnification: The knack for blowing situations out of proportion.

Personalization or Excessive Responsibility: The tendency to shoulder the world's burdens.

“Should” Statements: Crafting a web of unrealistic expectations.

Ah, magnification, a cognitive distortion that often ensnares the best of us. Personally, I've traversed the treacherous terrain of magnification, oscillating between grandiloquent exaggerations of my failures and unjust belittlement of my triumphs. The words of Rosenberg reverberate in my mind, echoing the wisdom that to liberate ourselves from this labyrinth, we must acknowledge the veracity that our stumbles are not apocalyptic, and our victories merit jubilation.

With every page, the notion of “monitoring” our thoughts gains crystalline significance. A compass guiding us through the turbulent seas of cognitive distortions, unlocking the portal to transformative change. Yet, another beast prowls in the shadows of our collective psyche: the menacing concern for others’ opinions. Dr. Rosenberg's observations resonate profoundly, as she enlightens us about the illusory obsession with what others think of us. A distraction veiling our vulnerabilities, as we waltz on the tightrope between mental and physical well-being (pg. 221).

In the heart of this realization, I am reminded of my personal odyssey over the past year, where my blemishes of acne eroded my confidence and gifted me with anxiety. Driven by the understanding that others, much like myself, are entwined within their own worlds, I find solace. An epiphany crystallizes: the very flaws that consume our thoughts are mere echoes in the minds of others. A dear friend's anecdote of their own battle with acne reverberates in my mind, reminding me of how inconspicuous their own skin struggles were in my memories.

As we draw this discourse to a close, let us summon the spirit of challenge. I challenge you to confront one of these cognitive distortions this week. Let the light of vulnerability shine upon it, revealing its true form—a formless specter without a true basis. In embracing this challenge, we pave the way for the blossoming of a stronger, more resilient self.
With a heart full of gratitude for your presence and support, I will see you all next week as we explore the depths of Dr. Rosenberg’s Chapter 7. Until then, take these lessons to heart and embark on your own odyssey of self-discovery.

Madison is a Psychology Assistant; Digital Marketing Assistant at Eckert Centre. She is a university student majoring in psychology at the University of British Columbia. She is our blogger in residence, and we are grateful she is sharing her writing skills along with her mental health journey. May her young wisdom help all of us grow our “Wise Self.” For more information or to book an appointment, visit or email our team at info@eckert-

Works Cited
Rosenberg, Joan I. 90 Seconds to a Life You Love: How to Master Your Difficult Feelings to Cultivate Lasting... Confidence, Resilience, and Authenticity. Little Brown Spark, 2020. Apple Books,

Madison Stevenson

Madison Stevenson

Digital Marketing & Psychological Assistant

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